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I am currently not accepting new appointments, but I look forward to helping you again soon!

Lactation consultant Manouk

Welcome to Lactation Consultant Manouk, your lactation consultant in Almere. I support (expectant) mothers with all their breastfeeding questions. Breastfeeding is a natural process of the female body, but it is more than just feeding. Although it is natural, things don’t always go as hoped or expected. Sometimes, you might need a little help and support. That’s what I’m here for as your lactation consultant.




What does a lactation consultant do?

A lactation consultant ensures that breastfeeding goes as smoothly as possible for both you and your baby. Do you experience problems when your baby is latching onto your breast? Do you feel pain while feeding? Do you have doubts about your baby’s growth? These are all questions you can discuss with a lactation consultant.

People often think that you can only meet with a lactation consultant after your baby is born. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am available to support you during your pregnancy as well. Whether you’re seeking information or advice to be perfectly prepared, I am here to help. I can advise you and your partner, and guide you (and your baby) through a consultation in your home. Each consultation is fully tailored to your personal situation and needs.


Certified lactation consultant for Almere

I am an internationally trained IBCLC lactation consultant and registered with the NVL (Nederlandse Vereniging van Lactatiekundigen, the Dutch Association of Lactation Consultants). This means you can rely on my knowledge and expertise. As a certified lactation consultant, I must meet strict requirements, ensuring quality and security for you. But I offer more than just expertise. Breastfeeding is personal and intimate, which is why I value kind, informal communication and good cooperation.





Request a consultation

Would you like to request a consultation? Please fill in the form below. I’m more than happy to meet you. During a phone intake, we can discuss your situation and wishes to ensure we are well-prepared for the consultation. During this intake, we will also schedule an appointment for a consultation at your home.

Op dit moment is mijn agenda voor nieuwe consulten gesloten / At the moment, my schedule for new consultations is closed.



Insurance reimbursement

Some healthcare providers fully or partially reimburse consultations with a lactation consultant, while others may not provide coverage. Please check with your healthcare provider in advance to determine if your consultation will be reimbursed.


Consult lactatiekundige Manouk